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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving break

Last week, we did not have school due to thanksgiving break. During this break I visited family, went to the mall, movies, and hung out with friends. I wanted it to be stress free and relaxing, so in other words, school free. I didn't think anything of school or doing something school related. In-fact, my back pack stayed unopened, in the same place, from friday till monday morning. Everyday, i found myself waking up around one or two in the afternoon. I also played Black Ops, grand theft auto and play-station home on my Ps3 for an amount of time straight. I really enjoyed the much needed break. 

I didn't do anything constructive for this or any other class, and i was unable to get on the wiki during the break. Hints "Stress free and relaxed." Said earlier. Now the countdown to Christmas break is winding down now at 22 days left.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Producer or Consumer.

Before this class, I was labeled a "consumer" to video games, because I bought and played them for fun. Now I can consider myself as a producer for that I am creating the games that other consumers can buy and play and hopefully enjoy. Even though my status on gaming has changed, my perspective on them as a producer and a consumer are the same. I still view them as a great way to pass time, to help hand-eye coordination, and just to simply have fun. However, it does make the game more fun and interesting having the knowledge or some what knowing how the game was made. Also, be amazed how the game is only coding and that it is all based on codes.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pseudocode Coding

I don't fully understand why we need this type of coding in the game any ways. Its a fake code, therefore serves no purpose but to label the codes that do work. In my opinion, when I play video games, I want to play the game. Not go into the coding of it just to see how it works. The time you may spend on applying pseudocode to your game could be spent making your game better.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

so Far....

Honestly, I do not like this class very much, if at all. Flash is to complicated and I don't like the coding and all the steps that you have to go through just to complete on thing. I cant seem to focus on anything because of it being so, strict and scheduled. Another reason is that I hate timelines, being forced to do something within the amount of time given. I like working at my own pass and not being rushed constantly. So, so far in this class, I cant seem to like it.